Tax Collector

Discover Town Taxes and Tax Collector Information in Pendleton, NY 

About the Tax Collector

Important Tax Information


Town of Pendleton

Take notice, that I, Deborah K. Maurer, the undersigned Town Clerk/Tax Collector for the Town of Pendleton, County of Niagara and State of New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of taxes within the Town of Pendleton for the year 2025. Taxes can be paid in the Town Clerk’s Office at the Pendleton Town Hall at 6570 Campbell Blvd. in the said Town of Pendleton from January 2, 2025 to March 31, 2025 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. of each day excepting Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays for the purpose of receiving taxes listed in the said roll.  Taxes can also be paid online at or by mailing to:

Town of Pendleton Tax Collector

P.O. Box 2305

Buffalo, NY  14240-2305

Take further notice that taxes may be paid on or before January 31, 2025 without charge or interest. On all taxes received after such date, there shall be added interest of 1% if paid on or before February 28, 2025 and an additional 1% for each additional month or fraction thereof thereafter until such taxes are paid or until the return of unpaid taxes to the County Treasurer pursuant to law.

Take further notice that pursuant to the provisions of law the tax roll of the Town of Pendleton will be returned to the County Treasurer of the County of Niagara as of the 2nd day of April, 2025.

Deborah K. Maurer

Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Dated: December 18, 2024



The Town/County tax bills are collected by the Pendleton Town Clerk/Tax Collector.  These bills are usually mailed to residents the last week of December each year.  Watch for Legal Notice publications and postings near the beginning of tax collection season.

Town/County tax bills are collected in Pendleton from January 1st through March 31st each year.  Unpaid tax bills are then turned over to the Niagara County Treasurer’s Office on April 1st.  

We do not accept postdated checks.  We are required by law to deposit all payments received within 24 hours.  Our bank will not accept a postdated check for deposit. You will be contacted by the telephone number you provided with your payment and asked to come in and correct the date of your check.  If we are unable to reach you, your postdated check will be returned to you by regular mail.

School Taxes

We DO NOT collect school taxes.

SCHOOL taxes are paid directly to the Starpoint Tax Collector.  Please click on this link for information about your Starpoint School Tax Bill.

Please call the Starpoint School Tax Collector at: 716-210-2313
or email Starpoint  School Tax Collector at:

Deborah K Maurer
Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Frequently Asked Questions

Real Property Tax Law § 924 requires the collecting officer to impose a penalty on all payments received after the interest-free period expires. The collecting officer has no discretion in the process. Additionally, the Office of the State Comptroller has specifically opined that “[i]f taxes are received after the due date, or are received after the due date and do not bear a postmark date prior to the due date, a penalty must be added and collected and no employee or official can waive the penalty (Op St Comp 68-626).

New York state law sets the penalty schedule. Local governments are required to comply with the penalties imposed at the state level. Real Property Tax Law § 924-a sets forth the amount of interest/penalty to apply to late payments.

Real Property Tax Law § 922 addresses the form and contents of real property tax bills. This law explicitly states that the failure of the collecting officer to mail the tax bills and / or the failure of the taxpayer to receive a tax bills does not in any way impact the validity of the taxes or penalties due. Real property taxes are due regardless of whether the taxpayer receives a bill, and penalties are imposed on any late payments, including late taxpayers that did not receive a bill (Real Property Tax Law § 922 [3]).

Real Property Tax Law § 925 provides that any mailed tax payment received with a postmark dated within the penalty-free period is a timely payment – even if the collecting officer physically receives the payment after the interest-free periods expires. To qualify as a timely postmarked payment, the payment must be:

  • Contained within a post-paid wrapper (envelope) with a legible postmark – the collecting officer must be able to ascertain the date of the postmark;
  • Properly addressed to the appropriate collecting officer; and
  • Deposited in a post office or official depository under the exclusive care and custody of the United States Postal Service (USPS).

The postmark rule also applies to tax payments mailed via certain designated delivery services, including DHL, UPS and FedEx. Tax payments mailed via metered mail do not meet the above-referenced parameters and are considered paid upon receipt by the collecting officer.

Most banks mail taxpayer-initiated bank check payments by metered mail. Metered is not postmarked and is considered paid upon receipt by the collecting officer. Online bank payments typically include a message indicating that the taxpayer should not use the service for time-sensitive matters, including tax payments. Oftentimes taxpayers initiate payment with their banks well within the interest-free period, only for the collecting officer to receive the check from the bank without a postmark after the interest-free period has expired. In this scenario, the collecting officer must impose a penalty.

Schools are the foundation of communities. Real property taxes serve to educate the individuals that will ultimately become doctors, nurses, mechanical engine operators, accountants, attorneys and other professions that ensure your community runs smoothly.

Deborah K Maurer
Town Clerk/Tax Collector

Pay or view your Town & County Taxes Online

Click here for ONLINE TAXES to access our service provider’s secure web page that will process your tax payment and provide you with a receipt.

Contact the Tax Collector

Deborah K Maurer
716.625.8833 X 112


Click this link to view important tax law information to avoid paying interest and/or penalties:  NYS TAX LAWS

Need Help?

Please call (716) 625 – 8833 or email the Town Hall

Town Leadership

  • Locate Town Hall

    Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
    Lockport, NY 14094
    Town Hall Hours: 8AM - 4PM, M - F
    Town Court Hours: 9AM - 3PM, M - F
    P: (716) 625 - 8833 | F: (716) 625-6295