ZBA Public Hearing #3 – Regency Builders
Town Hall - Board Room 6570 CAMPBELL BOULEVARD, LOCKPORT, NY, United StatesClick on link below for details: ZBA Public Hearing Regency Builders 10.22.24
Click on link below for details: ZBA Public Hearing Regency Builders 10.22.24
The Town Board of the Town of Pendleton will be holding a Work Session on Monday, October 28th at 7:00 p.m., at Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd., Lockport, NY. A budget session will immediately follow this meeting. This meeting is open to the public. Meeting minutes will be posted to the town’s website […]
BRUSH COLLECTION Reminder, chipping dates will be posted on the Town Hall electronic sign. It will also be listed on the town website and Facebook for everyone’s reference. REMINDER, WE DO NOT CHIP BRUSH FROM JULY 4TH TO LABOR DAY. All brush must be placed neatly in piles that our town workers can safely […]
Go directly to ConnectLife to make an appointment! Here is the link: https://www.connectlifegiveblood.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/20401?fbclid=IwY2xjawGIlAdleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHRvqWKojxiNtC3a9hXoMe9LlVPuUHul2V7vEcy0Vx0wVMhrFuE-EFoEtiw_aem_r55BPdtmbsBTGvDKxtZn5Q
Find all of the information you need for Election Day by going to the Niagara County Board of Elections website at: https://elections.niagara.ny.us/
TB Public Hearing - Preliminary Budget 11.6.24 https://pendletonny.us/budget-at-pendleton-ny/ TOWN OF PENDLETON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town […]
This event is open to the public.
Please contact Modern Disposal directly at 716-754-8226 or 800-330-7107 with any questions. Click HERE for the Annual Refuse/Recycling Calendar Click HERE for a list of Acceptable vs. Non-Acceptable items
The Pendleton Senior Citizens meet the 2nd Wednesday of each month at noon at the Wendelville Fire Hall. Please contact Joyce Lane at 716-625-8789 for details.
The Conservation Advisory Council holds a meeting on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Please contact Andy Harrison at aharrison@pendletonny.us for meeting information. Thank you
REGISTRATION IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC CPR/AED class on March 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM at Wendelville Fire Company, The cost is $45.00 per person. Class size is limited. Please RSVP to First Aid Captain Steve Keelty at 716-957-8626 no later than March 06, 2025.