Town of Pendleton Dog Enumeration (Census)

DID YOU KNOW?  Article 7 of the New York State Agriculture and Market Law requires all dogs older than 4 months to be licensed within the town in which they reside.  Licensing ensures that all dogs have been properly vaccinated against rabies for the protection of both you and your neighbors.  Any dog living with you for more than 30 days must be licensed.

The Town of Pendleton is currently conducting a dog enumeration, or census.  We would appreciate your help by completing  the form below  no later than December 31stIf you are a landlord and allow dogs, please pass this on to your tenants.

The animal control officer will be doing random road checks in order to ensure census accuracy after May 1, 2024.  If at that time you have not returned your form, or are found to be harboring an unlicensed dog(s), you will be subject to possible court fines per dog, along with a one-time enumeration fee of $25.00 per dog that will be added to the dog license base fees.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Pendleton Dog Enumeration Form

Resident's Name:
Resident's Name:
Residential Address:
Residential Address:
Mailing Address (if different than above):
Mailing Address (if different than above):
Please check one of the following options:
Thank you for submitting this information.  Please call the Town Clerk's Office at 716-625-8833 if you have any questions.
If you currently own an unlicensed dog, please complete this form: Dog License Application and mail to the Pendleton Town Clerk's Office along with the required vaccination records.
Please agree to the Town of Pendleton's Privacy Policy