
BID/RFP Opportunities

POSTED on March 12, 2025

Request for Proposals – Garage Door – Due 4.9.25


Request for Proposals

Highway Garage Overhead Door Replacement

Overview:  The Town of Pendleton is requesting proposals for work that generally involves the replacement of an existing overhead door at the Town-owned and operated Highway Garage.


Project Location:  The Highway Garage facility is located at 6640 Campbell Boulevard in the Town of Pendleton.


Project Description:  The proposed work includes the following:

  • Removal of the existing overhead door and operating equipment at the north end of the Highway Garage facility.
  • Installation of a new replacement door of equivalent quality and performance, maintaining existing clearance dimensions and operational performance.
  • Installation of new controlling equipment for operation of the new overhead door.
  • Any and all modifications to electrical connections and carpentry features to ensure a finished project.


Requested Proposal:   Submitted proposals must include all costs, including materials and labor, to complete the project as detailed.  Furthermore, proposals must reflect current Prevailing Wage requirements.


Contact:   Any questions and other communications are to be directed to Highway Superintendent David Fischer, who may be reached at (716) 625-8033.  Access to the site of the proposed work is available during typical open hours of the Town of Pendleton Highway Department.


Deadline:   All proposals are due to the Town Clerk of the Town of Pendleton by 3:00 pm on April 9, 2025.



POSTED on March 7, 2025

No bids were received for the Request for Proposals – Garage Door – January 2025


POSTED on February 13, 2025

Request for Proposals – Garage Door – January 2025



POSTED on February 13, 2025



Motion by Councilman Leible, seconded by Councilman Lombardo, the following resolution was

ADOPTED:    Ayes 4             Maerten, Buechler, Leible, Lombardo

Nays 0

Absent 1          Hickman

WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Pendleton did approve the advertisement of a Request for Proposals for Town Network Infrastructure Installation and Update by resolution on January 13, 2025; and

WHEREAS, the Request for Proposals was advertised and bids received by the deadline of February 4, 2025 were opened, reviewed, and communicated to the Town Board; and

WHEREAS, it is recommended to accept the lowest cost responsive proposal received for this work.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Town Board of the Town of Pendleton on this 10th day of February 2025, that proposal for Town Network Infrastructure Installation and Update received from Armored Alarm for $41,138.00 is accepted. This resolution shall take effect immediately.


POSTED on January 17, 2025

Request for Proposals – Town Network Infrastructure Installation and Update


Request for Proposals


Town Network Infrastructure Installation and Update


Overview:  The Town of Pendleton is requesting proposals for work that generally involves:


  • Installation of door access control systems for the Town’s Community Center and integration with the existing control system (Component 1).
  • Installation of security cameras and control systems for the Town’s Community Center and integration with the existing control system (Component 2).
  • Installation of a fiber optic network connection between the Town Hall and Community Center (Component 3).


Project Location:    The Town Hall is located at 6570 Campbell Boulevard and the Community Center is located at 6608 Campbell Boulevard in the Town of Pendleton.  Both buildings are located on the same parcel of Town-owned property.  The distance between the two buildings is approximately 450 feet.


Project Description:        The proposed work includes the following:

 Component 1 of 3

 Installation of eleven (11) door access control systems for existing interior and exterior doors.

  1. Installation of eleven (11) high–security door access readers.
  2. Connection of existing door strikes and electronic locks provided by the owner or the designated owner’s representative.
  3. Installation of power supplies and necessary electrical wiring to each power supply.
  4. Installation of all necessary system components required for operation.
  5. Providing twenty-five (25) high-security key fobs.
  6. Programming of controls systems and panels to connect to the existing control system.

The existing control system is ProdataKey and all hardware, components, and control systems are to integrate with this system and all hardware and components currently in place.  All materials and components shall be rated for the application.

 Component 2 of 3

  1. Supplying and installation of eleven (11) – 8 MP 4k exterior cameras.
  2. Supplying and installation of five (5) – 4 MP interior cameras.
  3. Supplying and installation of a 24-port gigabit PoE switch and rack in existing data closet.
  4. Supplying and installation of uninterruptible power supply (UPS).
  5. Connection of all components to the existing system.
  6. All necessary calibration and programming to ensure proper system operation and integration with the existing camera system.
  7. Installation of any data and power components required for system operation.
  8. Providing training to Town personnel on the operation of the system.

All components, materials, and fitting shall be rated for the application.

Component 3 of 3

 The proposed work involved placement of twelve (12) strand fiber optic cable between the Town Hall and Community Center in an existing 3-inch buried conduit.


Interior work at the Town Hall involves transitioning the fiber optic cable from the conduit into the building and continued interior placement of the fiber optic cable to an existing network server room. 


Interior work at the Community Center involves transitioning the fiber optic cable from the conduit into the building and continued interior placement of the fiber optic cable to an existing network server room.


The fiber optic cable will be terminated at each end as specified by the Town.  All transitions involve appropriate placement of fittings and weather-barrier products to ensure appropriate resistance to intrusion of water into the conduit and buildings.  All necessary hardware for proper placement of the fiber optic cable at all locations shall be included in the work.  All materials shall be rated for the application.

Additional Requirements

Proposal must include an allowance for the cost of consulting and/or collaborative work with the Town’s network consultant for any required integration with current systems controlling the components detailed above.


Requested Proposal:       Submitted proposals must include all costs, including materials and labor, to complete the project as detailed.  Furthermore, proposals must reflect current Prevailing Wage requirements.


Contract award will be made on the basis of best value given consideration to product durability and performance, and quality of craftsmanship that meets the Town’s expectation for the Project.


The Town of Pendleton is an exempt organization under the Tax Law and is exempt from payment of sales taxes on all materials which are to be incorporated into the project.


Contact:  Any questions and other communications are to be directed to the Supervisor, who may be reached at (716) 625-8833.  Access to the site of the proposed work is available during typical open hours of Town of Pendleton offices.


Deadline:        All proposals are due to the Town Clerk of the Town of Pendleton by 3:00 pm on February 4, 2025.












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Please call (716) 625 – 8833 or email the Town Hall

Town Leadership

  • Locate Town Hall

    Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
    Lockport, NY 14094
    Town Hall Hours: 8AM - 4PM, M - F
    Town Court Hours: 9AM - 3PM, M - F
    P: (716) 625 - 8833 | F: (716) 625-6295