Recreation Committee
Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Recreation Committee Agendas and Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

For previous minutes, please contact us.

Recreation Committee
Meeting Times

The Town of Pendleton Recreation Committee meets on the third Wednesday each month at the Town Hall.  We  strive to remain up to date on the recreational activities available to residents in our town.

If you have any interest in serving on the Recreation Committee, please write a letter of intent and send it to Debbie Maurer, our Town Clerk. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to a member of the Committee or to one of our Councilmen.

Need Help?

Please call (716) 625 – 8833 or email the Town Hall

Town Leadership

  • Locate Town Hall

    Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
    Lockport, NY 14094
    Town Hall Hours: 8AM - 4PM, M - F
    Town Court Hours: 9AM - 3PM, M - F
    P: (716) 625 - 8833 | F: (716) 625-6295