Building Permits

Discover  information about obtaining permits in Pendleton, NY 

Building Permits, Applications & Forms

Department Hours: 8 am – 4 pm*

*Permit Applications are accepted between the hours of 8 am - 10 am or by appointment. It is recommended that you call for an appointment.

When is a permit required within the Town of Pendleton?

For any new construction to include structural work, additions, patio covers, porches, utility sheds, roofing, fireplaces, pools, excavations other than building construction, fences and signs. The homeowner or their agent is responsible for obtaining a Building Permit when required.
Notice: It is a violation of the code of the Town of Pendleton to proceed with any construction before an Application for Building Permit is approved and a Permit has been issued. A payment of double the fee will be assessed for anyone starting without a permit and a stop work order will be issued until a Permit is issued.

Apply for a Building Permit

Fema Flood Plain Information

When Applying for a Building Permit

  • A Building Inspector will assist with filing Building Permit Pre-application Form and advise of any fees to be paid.
  • A plot plan showing the lot and location of buildings on the property, dimensions to property lines, streets and other buildings, and the location of the proposed project. A copy of the survey should be used.
  • Drawings must show sufficient information regarding materials and dimensions. Project must conform to NYS Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code. Most projects with structural improvements will require drawings stamped by a NY State licensed architect or engineer. The Building Inspector will advise.
  • If using a contractor or subcontractors, they must be licensed in the Town of Pendleton, which requires proof of insurance for general liability, workers compensation and disability.
  • Upon approval of an application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit and one copy of the approved application and appropriate drawings. The Building Permit must be posted on the premises. The permit will be good for twelve (12) months.
  • A list of required inspections will accompany the permit. You must call this office at 716-625-8833 ext. 14 or 15 to arrange each inspection. You must receive approval from the Building Inspector after each inspection before continuing with the project.
  • Electrical inspections are made by a separate company contractor. Please contact this office for approved contractors by calling 716-625-8833 Ext. 14 or 15; this will require an additional fee. Inspections will be made prior to covering wires.
  • All necessary arrangements for sewer, water and curb cuts must be arranged with the Public Works Department of the Town of Pendleton at 625-8033.
  • No person shall make any changes to the approved plans before contacting the Building Inspector.
  • Upon notification of completion of all construction and after an acceptable final inspection the Building Inspector will issue a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance. It is unlawful to use any structure in whole or part for any purpose whatsoever until the certificate has been issued.

Updated 8-14-2009

Helpful Links

Ron Diedrich

Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
Email: Phone: 716-625-8833  Ext. 115 Fax: 716-625-6295

Troy Barnes

Building Inspector/Code Enforcement Officer
Email: Phone: 716-625-8833  Ext. 114 Fax: 716-625-6295

Need Help?

Please call (716) 625 – 8833 or email the Town Hall

Town Leadership

  • Locate Town Hall

    Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
    Lockport, NY 14094
    Town Hall Hours: 8AM - 4PM, M - F
    Town Court Hours: 9AM - 3PM, M - F
    P: (716) 625 - 8833 | F: (716) 625-6295