Town Board
Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Meeting Agendas and Minutes


For previous minutes, please contact us.

Town Board Meeting Times

Town Board Meetings are held the second Monday of each month at 7:00 P.M.  Please check the events calendar for scheduled Work Sessions which are usually announced at the regular monthly meetings. They are also posted on the outside board at Town Hall, and the calendar posted inside the Town Hall.

Contact the Town Board

Need Help?

Please call (716) 625 – 8833 or email the Town Hall

Town Leadership

  • Locate Town Hall

    Pendleton Town Hall, 6570 Campbell Blvd.
    Lockport, NY 14094
    Town Hall Hours: 8AM - 4PM, M - F
    Town Court Hours: 9AM - 3PM, M - F
    P: (716) 625 - 8833 | F: (716) 625-6295